Wearing a Piece of History: Our New 1800s Victorian Shilling Ring

Wearing a Piece of History: Our New 1800s Victorian Shilling Ring

At Silver Hollow Jewellery, we take pride in crafting sustainable, eco-friendly jewellery. This is especially the case with our coin rings which also tell a story while you wear them. Our newest addition is a sterling silver ring handcrafted from genuine Victorian shilling coins, displaying the original intricate designs and even the year of mint.

1895 shilling ring


Sterling Silver- A Glimpse of Historical UK Coins

Our Victorian Shilling Ring is made from an authentic sterling silver Victorian coin, a piece of history that predates 1920. Sterling silver was a standard in British coinage for centuries. Coins minted before 1920 in the United Kingdom contain 92.5% pure silver, giving them a distinctive shine and quality perfect for jewellery.

Victorian shilling ring on hand


Wearing History as an Accessory

The charm of the Victorian shilling ring lies in its ability to let you wear a piece of history as a modern accessory. Every time you slip it on your finger, you're connecting with an era gone by, a reminder of the craftsmanship and artistry of the past. It's a conversation starter, an heirloom in the making, and a symbol of appreciation for the rich history that has shaped us. Want to make the piece more personal? Maybe try finding a year important in your family history, like the birth year of a great-grandparent, and having a coin from this year as your very own ring!


Uniqueness Defined

No two coins are alike. Each has its own history, passed through thousands of hands since the year it was made. As well as this, the concept and design of this ring is something most people have never seen before.  With the intricate design of the coin's face retained on the band, these are truly unique and rare pieces.

Victorian Shilling ring


Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

At Silver Hollow Jewellery one of our main values is remaining as environmentally sustainable as possible. Our coin rings are prime examples of our eco-friendly approach. By upcycling vintage coins, we not only breathe new life into forgotten treasures but also reduce the demand for newly mined silver. It's a small step toward a greener planet, and your choice to wear this ring is a statement of conscious consumption.

Our 1800s Victorian Shilling Ring is more than a piece of jewellery; it's a journey through time, a celebration of craftsmanship, and a commitment to sustainability. With its sterling silver content, historical significance, and one-of-a-kind nature, it embodies our values at Silver Hollow Jewellery. When you choose this ring, you're not just choosing a beautiful accessory; you're choosing to wear history, make a statement, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like a customised year coin, added engravings, or just for a chat!

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